Virtual Writer's Workshop with T.J. Martinson: Building Suspense
Hosted by The Ray Bradbury Center. This event is free and open to the public. Register below to reserve a spot.
Q&A at the Evergreen Park Public Library
Come for a talk and signing at the Evergreen Park Public Library (in the Meeting Room). Books will be available for purchase.
T.J. Martinson and Michael Moreci
Join Michael Moreci and I in a conversation about superheroes and all things nerdy!
Keynote Address: Reading the Human Genome: Metatextual Embodiment in the Age of the Incorporeal
At the Eastern Illinois University English Studies Conference, T.J. Martinson will be delivering a keynote presentation that presents the human genome as a metatextual narrative that can be read through and alongside postmodern metafiction, including House of Leaves and Cloud Atlas.
A book signing will take place after the event
This event is free and open to the public.
C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo)
(Room S405A) Do you have a secret? Do you need answers! Put your detective’s hat, follow the clues and the things that go bump in the night to this can’t miss panel featuring a bevy of mystery, thriller and horror writers! What makes a compelling mystery? What will keep your readers on the edge of their seat till the very last page? Featuring Christina Henry (The Mermaid, Red Queen), TJ Martinson (The Reign of the Kingfisher) and Amelia Brunskill (The Window).

Book Launch - The Reign of the Kingfisher
Come and join me in the launch of The Reign of the Kingfisher!. Copies will be available for purchase. Have your book signed and stick around for a reading/Q&A!
This event is free and open to the public