“Narrative Scarring in The Underground Railroad.” (forthcoming from Modern Fiction Studies)
“Reflexivity’s Ontological Turn: From Cybernetics to Autopoeisis in ‘The Circular Ruins’ and The People of Paper.” American Literature 95.4 (2023)
“‘The Utter Blankness Found Within’: Epigenetic Formalism in House of Leaves.” Poetics Today 44.3 (2023)
“Zahi Zalloua’s Theory’s Autoimmunity: Skepticism, Literature, and Philosophy.” Symploke, 27.1-2 (2019)
“Sense and Supersensibility: Kantian Aesthetics in Lamarckian Evolutionary Theory.” Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology 27.3 (2019)
“Speculative Realism.” Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory, Ed. Jeffrey Di Leo, Bloomsbury, 2018.
“The Seismic Force of Stone: A Review of Jeffrey J. Cohen’s Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman.”
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology 24.4 (2016)
“Postmodernism’s Material Turn: A Review of Christopher Breu’s The Insistence of the Material.” Postmodern Culture 25.3 (2016).
“The Hyperobject’s Atomization of ‘Self’ in Gravity’s Rainbow.” Orbit: A Journal of American Literature 3.1 (2015)
Selected Short Stories
“Pocket God.” LIT Magazine (2024)
“Chickenshit.” JMWW (2022)
“Miss May Piecework.” [PANK] Magazine (2015)
“How to Tell Your Wife You’re Not Presbyterian.” Midwestern Gothic (2015)
“The Street and the Stutter.” Petrichor Machine (2015)
“Cursed Rain.” Pithead Chapel (2014)
“Fallout.” Bartleby Snopes (2014)
“Tornado Alley.” Heavy Feather Review (2013)